5 reasons why interactive brochures will elevate your travel brand

Photo of New Zealand video brochures. Interactive travel brochures are the perfect way to elevate your travel brand and give customers a multisensory delight. Click to find out more about video brochures over on the Clone Media.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so a video must be worth a million, right? With around 64% of people preferring to watch a video over text when learning about a new product and service, when it comes to a luxury holiday or a much-needed getaway, imagine what you could showcase via video that you simply can’t articulate with words. 

Printed travel brochures have long been the trusted method to showcase holidays and paint that idyllic picture but, with an increase in video content and our attention spans becoming shorter by the second (quite literally), video really is the ultimate visual to entice your audience and show them what’s truly on offer. 

Here are five reasons why we think interactive brochures are the way forward for your travel brand.

1. It’s Personal

Unlike printed brochures, you can tailor the content to suit different travel markets – one size doesn’t have to fit all. Whether you’re advertising beach holidays, romantic getaways or even adventure trips, your video can show your target audience exactly what they’d like to see or what you want to show them in a more personalised manner. 

2. Multisensory 

With an interactive travel brochure, you can really set the scene. These video brochures also include sound, so you can play them to music, or have audio that talks over your video; highlighting all the key features without your customer having to read a single word! 

If you have VIP customers why not consider adding those extra layers to your interactive brochure with a multisensory campaign? 

  • Selling cruise holidays? Why not send a video brochure complete with a branded package, including luggage tags and a passport holder? 
  • Showcasing all that your magical Disney holidays have to offer? Don’t forget to send them some Mickey Mouse ears.
  • Or what about the scent of the Caribbean with branded mimosa-infused candles, for those luxurious and exclusive vacations? 

Overall, this will create a stronger emotional and memorable connection with your audience. 

3. Integrated Campaigns

The video content that you create for your interactive travel brochure can also be reused and utilised across multi-platforms, such as your website, social media, and even email. This means that you only need to create the video content once but you’ll be able to share it at every customer touchpoint – creating a cohesive and connected campaign.

4. Bigger Impact

Utilising video content in this way brings you directly to your customers and ultimately creates a bigger impact. Interactive video brochures are still not as widely used as printed brochures so by adopting this medium early you’ll be ahead of your competitors.

5. Adaptable

One of the great benefits of a video brochure is that it’s adaptable. Each brochure has a built-in flash memory which means you can swap out the video and upload a different one any time you choose, which also makes this medium very cost-effective. You can also customise the packaging as well as the print material and finish, giving you a beautifully bespoke brochure. 

Looking to elevate your travel brand in 2021? Speak to us today about interactive travel brochures and our branded packages that will put you on the map!

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